My upcoming iPad app Loose Leaf!

Loose-Leaf_256I’m extremely excited to announce my upcoming iPad application Loose Leaf! This app is one that has been rattling in my mind for years, and I’ve finally had time to get some code down for it over these past few months, and I’m really excited about the progress.

So what is Loose Leaf?

Loose Leaf is a brainstorming and note taking app that’s ideal for use in a coffee shop meeting. It’s a perfect piece of scratch paper, or loose leaf if you will, ready for your back-of-the-napkin-no-longer doodles to help you get your point across during an informal meeting. You can draw, type, cut or create small scraps of paper, import and annotate images, and quickly export anything meaningful to a more permanent home like Evernote.

Sound like a lot of features? Don’t worry, there are no tap-to-hold popup menus, no overwhelming brush texture properties, no arcane MS-Word-feeling image formatting. Loose Leaf is simple and intuitive, and no more intimidating than a simple sheet of paper.

Loose Leaf is good at one thing – helping you get your idea out and on paper quickly. Loose Leaf maintains the sheet-of-paper metaphor without skeuomorphism. Loose Leaf is fast, simple, fast, and simple.

Want to find out more?

Then sign up at the Loose Leaf App site!